Friday, July 15, 2011

Birds of Belize...

Every year I need to remind myself that a large number of my readers are "birders." So here are links to the various posts I have made on birds, the facts and resources available... and BTW, you couldn't find a better central location to be a "birder in Belize," than the Placencia Peninsula. 

And don't forget the Scarlet Macaws - Red Bank Village - about one hour drive from The Maine Stay and Placencia. Geronimo Sho... 662-8340 and 668-1724. His son John can be reached at Geronimo runs the access to the trails at Red Bank.The Scarlet Macaws go to Red Bank for several kinds of fruits/berries. Best to see them from 6 am to 8 am and then again at 3 pm till about 5 pm. There are up to 200 birds at varying times, mid January through at least the end of March.

Jun 05, 2011
It's For The Birds... Posted by Drew Travers. While we were getting the new Cabana storage building set up last week, one of the trees we thought we were going to move made it's presence known. Needless to say the tree ...

Feb 10, 2010
We get a fair number of requests for information from the "bird watchers." Recently I wrote about some resources available on the birds of Belize. I have just recently been made aware of another source of information ...
Dec 20, 2009
With nearly six hundred identified species of birds--and an average of five "new" species discovered annually--Belize is becoming a birding hotspot for amateur and professional birders from around the globe. ...
Aug 01, 2010
The bird watchers know who they are, and then there are those who visit here and live here who get fascinated with the variety of flora and fauna that abounds. Belize has more than 750 varieties of trees. ...

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