Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Shirley's Hummingbirds Update...

Two weeks ago, they were no bigger (l) than a small marble!

Now look at them... quickly... because they won't be in that nest long!


JMW said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving the details about Belize - it sounds amazing! I'll be sure to share the details with my husband. Also, wanted to share this link with you, after I saw your entries about hummingbirds: http://www.drjbs.com/
My husband, along with his father and sister, run a hummingbird feeder business. Great eco-friendly feeders. Stop by their site.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! You are sooo blessed to have these little guys nesting nearby!! I have several hummingbird
and plants that hummingbirds love in my garden, but I've never had the good fortune of them nesting here. I'm hoping that you'll post an update soon. Thanks for sharing!!